GERA's Annual Calendar

  • GERA, Inc. > Events – Annual Membership Meeting

Thank you all for attending the GERA 2023 Annual Membership Meeting (AMM). We are excited about the participation and feedback received and look forward to a productive year!

Please find copies of the AMM presentations attached below.

GERA 2023 Annual Membership Meeting – Presentation Package

For more information on upcoming events, and for those interested in getting involved in one or more GERA working committees, please contact the committee chairs as listed below:

Your continued participation in GERA is important to us and ensures that the Association represents all perspectives and interests regarding restoration oriented issues in Georgia.  We appreciate your feedback and look forward to continuing to work with you in the future. Please feel free to contact Tony Greco ([email protected]) with any questions, comments, or additional ways to become involved with GERA. Thanks!